Talk with trace X Rivyl

The Australian podcast host shining a light on extraordinary people making extraordinary efforts.


Tracey Thomas is a bigger than life sweetheart with ambitions to take over the world of podcasting, documentaries, content creation and book recommendations. Think Oprah for elder millennials. Tracey wants to take pivotal personal moments in her life where the actions of others touched her in a meaningful way and make it her mission to impart the lightbulb moments and connection she experienced to the people that need it. She’s driven to make others feel good. To make them think. To challenge and inspire. To tell stories that shine a light on extraordinary people making extraordinary efforts, and Rivyl gives a standing ovation to that!      


Tracey needed a robust Brand Strategy that would act as an umbrella across all her sub-services and future proof her vision for her expanding empire. She was unsure how to structure her brand. After some back and forth we aligned the brand strategy around her persona as the glue that would hold together relatability,  engagement and drive a following as people got to know her intimately, with all the sub-products branching out from this central point. Tracey was looking for a graphic identity and a plan that investors and stakeholders would trust, a tangible vision they could see and invest into. She needed mockups of the branding so funding could be raised for a website revamp and equipment purchase, as well as attracting renown names to join her on her podcast.  


The outcome was a powerfully warm, welcoming, energetic and earthy look that encompassed the way Tracey wants to suffuse meaning and slowly pervade people’s consciousness. With elements of the brief being “David Letterman but Tuscan Wood” we married the harmony of the dark base with focal neon pink to portray her luminous quality and overlaid texture brick, wood and graphic lines to pull her look together. Her logo suite is designed to flexibly work across all her sub brands by switching out the “Talk with”, “Read With”, “Watch With” by lines to apply to the relevant product and still align with the master brand of TRACE. The icon is reminiscent of radio waves for broadcasting or podcasting but also gives a nod to voice intonation and subtly links back to her original logo for a continuation of her story. 

Project Team:
Design Team:
General Manager
Art Director
Senior Designer
Web Development Team:
Tech Director
Senior Developer
Web Developer
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